Discipleship Explored

25th February 2019
7:00pm - 9:00pm

Dumfries Baptist Church is running a Discipleship Explored course from Monday 4th February until Monday 25th March 2019, 7.00-9.00pm at DBCC.

Discipleship Explored is a course designed to help people think about what it means to live a Christian life. The eight-week journey through the book of Philippians has been used in many churches and small groups over the years. Supported by the Discipleship Explored DVD, join us for Bible study and small group discussion. Come and let God speak into your life.

Course Dates and topics are:

1. 4th February: Confident in Christ

2. 11th February: Living in Christ

3. 18th February: One in Christ

4. 25th February: Obedient in Christ

5. 4th March:  Righteous in Christ

6. 11th March:  Transformed in Christ

7. 18th March:  Rejoicing in Christ

8. 25th March:  Content in Christ